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Wyatt is 6-1/2 Years Old
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Wyatt is 6-1/2 years (78 months) old. He had another fun-filled summer month. Wyatt continued to spend a lot of time in the water, between camp, pool, parties, and the beach. Day camp ended last month, and a few days later the family headed to Wisconsin. After a day at the Wisconsin State Fair, everyone headed north for a long weekend on a lake in central Wisconsin. The cousins had a good time in the great outdoors. Frog hunting in the pond behind the vacation house was especially popular.

Another highlight from last month was a camping trip with family friends to Ward Pound Ridge Reservation. It was the first time the family camped together. There were a couple of different activities at the town library last month. Finally, Wyatt and family went to Sag Harbor for a quick trip last weekend. Pictures from that excursion will be included in next month’s post.

Click on the photo above to view the photo gallery of some pictures from the past month.

Wyatt is 77 Months Old
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Catching Rays

Wyatt is 77 months (six years and five months) old. The past month has been really busy. Immediately after the last day of school, everyone took a long weekend on the Jersey Shore. All enjoyed the beaches and boardwalks of Seaside Heights and Point Pleasant. The day after that trip, Wyatt started his first year of Bedford Hills Day Camp. There have been some hot days, but Wyatt has been enjoying swimming and spending time with friends. Many other activities in the past month have also been at a pool or beach, including a pool party, a couple of birthday parties, and a long weekend in Sag Harbor. Earlier in the month, Wyatt celebrated Independence Day with barbecues and fireworks.

Click on the photo above to view the photo gallery of some pictures from the past month.

Evan is 8-1/2 Years Old
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On the Wall

Evan is 8-1/2 years (102 months) old. The school year and the spring sports schedule ended this past month. Evan will be going into third grade in September. Evan’s and Wyatt’s baseball team, Bedford Iron Works, completed their season with a 12-2 record and came in second place. Two big events at the end of school were Field Day and the second grade picnic. The entire second grade class enjoyed a day out at Ward Pound Ridge Reservation. The boys went to a carnival in Katonah, and more pictures are included from last month’s carnival in Bedford.

Other than the end of school, the big event last month was Evan’s second show with the School of Rock Bedford. The show was called ‘The Dave Grohl Experience’ and included songs from many of Grohl’s bands, including Nirvana and Foo Fighters. Videos from all of the songs from the show are posted on YouTube. All of the songs on which Evan performed are embedded on the photo gallery page.

Evan took a quick trip to the Jersey Shore after school let out. Pictures of that trip will be posted next month.

Click on the photo above to view the photo gallery of some pictures from the past month.

Wyatt is 76 Months Old
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Speed Racer

Wyatt is 76 months (six years and four months) old. Wyatt is about to finish kindergarten. The end of the school year has been action packed. Two big year-end activities were Field Day and the kindergarten carnival. Away from school, Wyatt went to two actual carnivals (with rides), worked on his bike riding, lost another tooth, and helped Dad and Granddad celebrate Father’s Day. The weather got warm enough to go to the town pool a couple of times. Wyatt and Evan’s baseball team, Bedford Iron Works, completed their season with a 12-2 record. The team got trophies for finishing in second place.

After a quick trip to the beach, Wyatt will start his first year of town day camp next week.

Click on the photo above to view the photo gallery of some pictures from the past month.

Evan is 101 Months Old
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Look Alikes

Evan is 101 months (eight years and five months) old. Evan was busy last month. Lots of things were happening at school, including bingo night, walk to school week, the spring fling picnic, the art show, and the hatching of the second grade class ducklings. Away from school, there were more birthday parties, the town fishing derby, the annual carnival at St. Patrick’s in Bedford Village, and quite a few baseball games. And Evan found time to learn to ride a bicycle. It was a good month.

Click on the photo above to view the photo gallery of some pictures from the past month.

Wyatt is 75 Months Old
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Ground Ball

Wyatt is 75 months (six years and three months) old. Last month was busier. Wyatt went back to school after spring break, and the spring activities kicked into high gear. There were birthday parties and events at school. Baseball had two weeks of rain-outs followed by games almost every other day. Soccer continued on Wednesdays when it did not conflict with baseball. There was a fishing derby on the town pond and brunch for Mother’s Day. And Wyatt lost yet another tooth.

Click on the photo above to view the photo gallery of some pictures from the past month.

Florida Vacation 2017
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Evan and Wyatt and family took a vacation to Tampa, Florida for Spring Break 2017. The boys enjoyed spending time with Abuelo and Abuela. Earlier on several days, they went to Busch Gardens. Evan is now tall enough to ride on all the park’s roller coasters, and he did. Other activities on the trip were a day at Adventure Island water park, and a ‘relaxing’ day that included batting cages, mini golf, and a swim in the hotel pool. The weather was warm and pleasant throughout the week. The last full day in Florida was Easter Sunday. The Easter Bunny made a special trip to hide eggs behind the hotel for the boys. After the egg hunt, everyone headed off to Busch Gardens for Easter brunch overlooking the Serengetti, followed by a few more rides. Everyone had a nice vacation.

Click on the photo above to view the photo gallery of some pictures from the vacation.

Evan is 100 Months Old
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Evan is 100 months (eight years and four months) old. It was a quiet month except for the week before Easter. The big event of the month was a trip to Tampa, Florida for Spring Break. Pictures from that trip will be in the next post. Everyone had a good time in Florida and celebrated Easter there. Back at home, warmer weather has meant a bit more time outdoors. The Little League season just started, and the spring soccer season is a couple of weeks old. There will be more baseball pictures in next month’s post. Also last month, Evan and Wyatt helped Mom celebrate her birthday with a trip to everyone’s favorite diner.

Click on the photo above to view the photo gallery of some pictures from the past month.

Wyatt is 74 Months Old
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Wyatt is 74 months (six years and two months) old. Wyatt was less busy last month. The big event of the month was a trip to Tampa, Florida for Spring Break. Pictures from that trip will be in the next post. Wyatt and family had a good time in Florida and celebrated Easter there. At home, the weather has been slowly getting nicer, so Wyatt has started spending a little more time outside. Wyatt recently lost his third tooth, and the Little League season just started. There will be more baseball pictures in next month’s post.

Click on the photo above to view the photo gallery of some pictures from the past month.

Evan is 99 Months Old
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Evan is 99 months (eight years and three months) old. Last month featured more birthday parties and snow days. One of the birthday parties was a return to trip to House of Sports to celebrate Wyatt. School was closed for a week for February break. During the first part of the week, the family went on a ski trip to Vermont, including a few days at Okemo and a day at Mount Snow. After that, Grandma came to visit from Wisconsin. More short school weeks followed the break due to the snow and parent teacher conferences. Finally, Evan and Wyatt went to see Dan TDM live in New York City at the Beacon Theater. Evan was a bit under the weather but rallied to see his favorite celebrity in person.

Click on the photo above to view the photo gallery of some pictures from the past five weeks or so.