Wyatt is 76 Months Old

Wyatt is 76 months (six years and four months) old. Wyatt is about to finish kindergarten. The end of the school year has been action packed. Two big year-end activities were Field Day and the kindergarten carnival. Away from school, Wyatt went to two actual carnivals (with rides), worked on his bike riding, lost another tooth, and helped Dad and Granddad celebrate Father’s Day. The weather got warm enough to go to the town pool a couple of times. Wyatt and Evan’s baseball team, Bedford Iron Works, completed their season with a 12-2 record. The team got trophies for finishing in second place.

After a quick trip to the beach, Wyatt will start his first year of town day camp next week.

Below is a photo gallery of pictures from the past month.
Click on the thumbnails to see larger versions of the photos.