Wyatt is 73 months (six years and one month) old. Wyatt had an eventful month. School was closed for the President’s Week break. Wyatt and family started that week with a ski trip to Vermont, and then Grandma came to visit from Wisconsin. Everyone enjoyed spending time together and doing things for Wyatt’s birthday. The last of those was a birthday party with friends at House of Sports. More recently, school was closed for some snow days as well as time off for parent-teacher conferences. Wyatt has been staying busy with friends’ birthday parties, indoor soccer, and a winter baseball clinic at Pro Swing. Wyatt and Evan also got to see Dan TDM live in New York City at the Beacon Theater.
Below is a photo gallery of pictures from the past five weeks or so.
Included are a few older pictures that were not ready for the previous post.
Click on the thumbnails to see larger versions of the photos.