Wyatt is 6-1/2 Years Old

Wyatt is 6-1/2 years (78 months) old. He had another fun-filled summer month. Wyatt continued to spend a lot of time in the water, between camp, pool, parties, and the beach. Day camp ended last month, and a few days later the family headed to Wisconsin. After a day at the Wisconsin State Fair, everyone headed north for a long weekend on a lake in central Wisconsin. The cousins had a good time in the great outdoors. Frog hunting in the pond behind the vacation house was especially popular.

There were a couple of different activities at the town library last month. Last week, Wyatt and family went to Sag Harbor for the weekend. Pictures from that weekend will be included in next month’s post.

Below is a photo gallery of pictures from the past month.
Click on the thumbnails to see larger versions of the photos.