Evan is 81 Months Old

Evan is 81 months (six years and nine months) old. Evan had one of his busier months so far. At the beginning of September, Evan started first grade. The family took advantage of the very warm late summer weather and spent a lot of time outdoors. Activities in the last month included a trip to Field Station: Dinosaurs in New Jersey, a trip to visit friends in Poughkeepsie, NY, several local play dates, two separate trips to Sag Harbor on the east end of Long Island, and a back to school picnic at Bedford Hills Elementary School. The second trip to Sag Harbor included the boys’ annual visit to Hank’s Pumpkintown in Watermill, NY. Of course there were lots of pictures, a few of which are in this month’s gallery.

Below is a photo gallery of some pictures from the past month.
Click on the thumbnails to see larger versions of the photos.