Evan is 69 months (five years and nine months) old. The most significant event in the last month was that Evan started kindergarten at Bedford Hills Elementary. In addition to the excitement of a new school, Evan also started riding the bus. Before school started, the family took a summer vacation to Point Pleasant Beach on the New Jersey Shore. Those pictures were in an earlier post. On Labor Day, everyone went to a corn festival and helped Dad celebrate an early birthday. In the first weeks of September, Evan started a new season of Bedford Youth Soccer and Bedford Hills Katonah Little League. Evan is now playing in ‘AA’ baseball, which includes playing with kids up to 8 years old and hitting off a pitching machine. Very recently, Evan took his very first field trip, to Stuart’s Fruit Farm, where Evan and his classmates picked apples.
Below are some pictures from the past month. Click on the thumbnails to see larger versions of the photos.