Monthly Archives: January 2025

Wyatt — August 2024
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Wyatt had a relaxing August. The highlight of the month was a trip to Wisconsin to visit family and enjoy a few days of vacation. Everyone had a nice time. Later in the month, the Red Foxes 13U baseball team played in a tournament at Diamond Nation in central New Jersey. Toward the end of the month, practices started for the Bedford Bears 14U travel ice hockey team.

Click on the photo above to view the photo gallery of pictures from August.

Evan — August 2024
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Evan had a good August. The EA Baseball 15U travel team finished the summer season with a tournament upstate in Cortland, NY. The Fox Lane varsity football team started practices for the fall season. Evan continued working as a lifeguard for the Town of Bedford pools whenever he could find time. In between baseball and football, the family squeezed in a short trip to Wisconsin, visiting family and seeing a few sights, including walking around the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus on a warm summer day.

Click on the photo above to view the photo gallery of pictures from August.

Evan — July 2024
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Evan stayed busy in July even with school closed. The EA Baseball 15U travel team continued play in the Greater Hudson Valley Baseball League and went to a showcase tournament in Rhode Island. He worked out with the Fox Lane varsity football team in the early mornings. Later in the day, Evan continued working as a lifeguard for the Town of Bedford pools, putting in many shifts.

Click on the photo above to view the photo gallery of pictures from July.

Wyatt — June 2024
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Wyatt had a good month in June. His spring travel baseball team played for its league championship early in the month. Shortly after that, the summer travel season began. Wyatt played with two travel teams for the summer season. One of those teams went to tournaments on Long Island and in Oswego, New York in June. The long spring modified hockey season wrapped up in June. Fox Lane had another good season but did not make it to the playoff finals. Beyond sports, the school year came to an end. Near the end of the school year, the seventh grade band had its spring concert. Finally, summer vacation began.

Click on the photo above to view the photo gallery of pictures from June.

Evan — June 2024
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The month of June was very active for Evan. He participated in several camps and scrimmages with the Fox Lane varsity football team. The summer baseball travel season began with the EA Baseball 15U team. Evan started his first paid job, working as a lifeguard for the Town of Bedford pools. Finally, Evan completed his first year at Fox Lane High School with excellent grades in all his classes. Summer vacation began.

Click on the photo above to view the photo gallery of pictures from June.