Category Archives: Gallery

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One Year Old!
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Helping with the laundry

Evan turned one year old on December 26. It has been a very busy and exciting month for Evan, Mom, and Dad. Evan continued to do a lot of traveling, including spending a lot of time with Nonna and Granddad. After the first major snow of the season the week before Christmas, Evan went sledding with Nonna and also at home in his front yard. He celebrated his first Christmas the day before his birthday.

Some pictures from Christmas can be seen on the separate Christmas post. Other photos from the period between Thanksgiving and Christmas are in this photo gallery.

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Family portrait

This was Evan’s first Christmas. He had a great time. In spite of his love of tearing paper, Evan seemed a little reluctant to rip the wrapping paper off his gifts. But with some help from Mom and Dad and some time out to play with each gift, Evan made it through his big pile of gifts. Evan thanks everyone for all the wonderful gifts and is enjoying playing with all his new toys.

In the attached gallery are just a few of the many pictures of Evan’s first Christmas. There are pictures from Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Since he was with some family members, Evan also got an early start to his birthday celebrations on Christmas Eve.

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11 Months Old
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Evan turned 11 months old on Thanksgiving. He weighs 20 pounds 5 ounces and is 30 inches long. Evan’s travel schedule was not quite as heavy this month, but his social calendar was still very full. On Thanksgiving, Evan ate a whole meal of “adult” food, including turkey, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin soup. He enjoyed it very much.

Evan has been working on climbing the stairs, and now makes it look easy. He currently can only go up the stairs. He also keeps working on his scooting. His favorite new skill is putting things in and taking them out of various receptacles, including pails and trash cans. Mom and dad have had to stop putting trash in most of the trash cans around the house.

And Evan’s first birthday is now less than a month away. Check back here in a few weeks for news and pictures of the birthday boy.

Some pictures from this month are included in the attached gallery.

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10 Months Old
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At Fieldston

Evan is ten months and one week old. His travels continue. Highlights of the month included a trip to the Fieldston School in Riverdale for homecoming. Grandma Peterson came to visit from Wisconsin, and everyone enjoyed trips in New York and New Jersey as well as time at home.

Evan’s first tooth appeared this month. He continues to perfect his crawling as well as pulling himself up and standing. He also successfully fought off his first cold.

A few pictures of those events are included in the attached gallery.

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First Trip to Sag Harbor

With Mom

Over the last weekend in September, Evan took his first trip to Sag Harbor on the eastern end of Long Island near the Hamptons. Although the weather was cool, Evan enjoyed the sun and sand on the beach and went to the Lobster Roll restaurant for lunch. A few pictures of those events are included in the attached gallery.

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9 Months Old
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Riding an ATV

Evan is now nine months old. He weighs 20.75 pounds and is 29 inches tall. He has perfected his crawling and pulls himself to a standing position. He is eating and growing well. Evan enjoys going anywhere and is starting to get used to his bigger boy car seat. He had several more social engagements this month. A few pictures of those events are included in the attached gallery.

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Wisconsin Trip
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At the end of August, Evan took his second trip on a airplane, this time to southeastern Wisconsin. There he met many of his relatives for the first time and got reacquainted with some others. He spent a lot of time playing, went to a party, and went to the Henry Vilas Zoo in Madison, Wisconsin. Evan also went to a rubber duck race, but the ducks were too cold to race. Everyone had a very nice visit.

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The pictures in the gallery as well as some others are also available for purchase on Shutterfly.

7 Months Old
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Speed Demon
Evan turned 7 months old on July 26. He is now more than 31 weeks old. Everyone has been very busy, making it hard to get to the computer. Evan continues to travel the Tri-State area, making new friends and getting to know old ones better. Some of this month’s pictures are of the first barbecue at the Stackle household which happened right after Evan’s half birthday.

Evan continues to learn and practice new skills. He enjoys getting around the house in his walker, and is regularly eating solid food. He is able to sit by himself and has been propping himself up as a precursor to learning to crawl. His babbling is getting better. And to the surprise of the other shoppers, he expresses his love of the grocery store by shrieking as loudly as he can.

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