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Evan is 38 Months Old
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Last run of the day

Evan is three years and two months (38 months) old. Although it has been a warm and dry winter, Evan spent a lot of time in the snow in the past month. He sledded, he made snowballs and a snowman, and he started to learn how to ski. He and his family went to Mohawk Mountain in Connecticut, Catamount in the southern Berkshires, and Gore Mountain in the New York Adirondacks. Evan has also been going to one or two birthday parties nearly every weekend.

Click on the photo above to view the photo gallery of pictures from the last month.

Also, some pictures, from this and last month’s posts, are now available to view, download full size, and print from our Picasa gallery.

Wyatt is One Year Old
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At the water park

Wyatt is one year old. Happy First Birthday, Wyatt! He is 30.5″ long and weighs 21.75 pounds, which are in about the 75th and 55th percentiles. Wyatt had a busy final month of his first year with us. The family spent quite a bit of time away from the house, a lot of it trying to find snow in this warm and dry winter. Wyatt is trying hard to speak and may be using a couple of words as words, including “bye-bye.” He stands well and easily but is not quite ready to take that first step yet. He is growing well and has a healthy appetite, including for some “grown up” food.

Click on the photo above to view the photo gallery of pictures from the last month.

Also, some pictures, from this and last month’s posts, are now available to view, download full size, and print from our Picasa gallery.

Evan is 37 Months Old
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Evan is 37 months (3 years and 1 month) old. Evan had an extremely busy month, highlighted by multiple birthday celebrations with different people in different places. His final birthday party was a slightly belated gathering with many of his friends at a gymnastics facility called Jodi’s Gym. Everyone had a great time. Evan’s travels last month took him all over the area, including to an indoor water park, to a live action Thomas and Friends show and model train show at the New York Botanical Garden, to a children’s museum, and to a boat show. And there was some snow a few days ago, the first in nearly three months, in which Evan enjoyed playing.

Click on the photo above to view the photo gallery of pictures from the last month.

Wyatt is 11 months old
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Wyatt in the crib

Wyatt is eleven months old. Last month was very busy, including Wyatt’s first Christmas and New Year’s, and brother Evan’s third birthday. Check out the earlier Christmas post to see some holiday photos. Wyatt continues trying and sometimes enjoying new foods. He has several teeth to chew that food: three almost fully in on the top and two on the bottom. He now regularly stands from a sitting position and enjoys climbing on (and sometimes off) the furniture. He has not taken that elusive first step, but walks around objects holding on with one hand, so it probably will not be long.

Click on the photo above to view the photo gallery of pictures from the last month.

Also, a few earlier pictures, mostly from Christmas and last month’s posts, are now available to view, download full size, and print from our Picasa gallery.

Christmas 2011
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Evan and Wyatt, Christmas 2011

Christmas 2011 was Wyatt’s first and Evan’s third. Both had a great time. They enjoyed a late Christmas Eve dinner with Mom’s family and friends in New Jersey. Evan also blew out the candles on an early birthday cake. They spent Christmas day at home in their pajamas, opening presents. Neither seemed to have a single favorite gift. But some that Evan liked included various accessories for his Thomas the Tank Engine wooden train set as well as a few sets of Thomas themed Mega Blocks. Wyatt gravitated toward a dinosaur with popping balls and a ball toy similar to Whack-a-Mole.

Click on the photo above to view the photo gallery of pictures from Christmas 2011.

Evan is 3 Years Old
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Evan and Wyatt

Happy Birthday, Evan! Evan is now three years old. It is hard for Mom and Dad to believe he has gotten so big so fast. Evan is 39.5″ tall and weighs 36 pounds, both of which are in the 85th percentile. He has gone through great changes in the last year, as shown in the dozen photo galleries from each month in the last year. Evan continues his busy lifestyle, with all his weekday activities and many social events with friends and family on the weekends. And although he doesn’t quite understand how the calendar works yet, he was busily counting down the days to Christmas until the big day.

Click on the photo above to view the photo gallery of pictures from the last month.

Wyatt is 10 months old
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Wyatt is now ten months old. He weighs 20 pounds, 7 ounces and is 29 inches tall. He had a very busy month last month. He spent a lot of time seeing and visiting friends and family. He is now eating three “solid” meals a day and continues to work on his standing and crawling. He enjoyed his first Thanksgiving (at home with friends and family), and he ate his first turkey baby food that day. He hasn’t quite tried to walk yet, but he is able to stand up and push things around the house.

Click on the photo above to view the photo gallery of pictures from the last month.

Evan is 35 Months Old
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Evan and Grandma and Dad

Evan is 35 months (2 years and 11 months) old. Evan had a good month. He played in the snow after an unusual October snowstorm, sledding every day that the snow covered the grass. He celebrated Halloween a few times. He wasn’t sure about trick-or-treating, but he knows he likes lollipops. Most of the Halloween pictures can be viewed in the Halloween post. Evan spent time with Grandma, who visited from Wisconsin. And he played with other family members and friends, too. Evan is also getting to be a good big brother, sometimes playing with Wyatt and also making sure Wyatt doesn’t get into too much baby trouble.

Click on the photo above to view the photo gallery of pictures from the last month.

Wyatt is 9 months old
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Wyatt enjoys a ball pit

Wyatt is now nine months old. He had a very eventful month last month. He played in the snow for the first time after a freak October snowstorm. He celebrated Halloween a few times after some holiday festivities were postponed due to that snow. Most of the Halloween pictures can be viewed in the previous post. Wyatt spent time with Grandma, who visited from Wisconsin. And he spent lots of time playing with other family members and friends, too.

Regarding his development, Wyatt’s top two front teeth came in, bringing the grand total to three. He started to crawl on all fours with his belly off the ground, though he still scoots sometimes. And Wyatt started pulling himself up and standing while holding onto things, often big brother Evan’s train table.

Click on the photo above to view the photo gallery of pictures from the last month.
Some of these pictures can also be viewed and downloaded or printed full-size in a Picasa web album.