Wyatt is 65 Months Old

Wyatt is 65 months (five years and five months) old. Wyatt was very busy last month. He had two weeks of Katonah Playcare’s mini-camp called June Enrichment. Wyatt and his classmates learned about newspapers and worked on a different section of their class paper each day. Wyatt and family spent two extended weekends in Sag Harbor, doing lots of Hamptons and East End activities. There were three days/nights of gatherings around Independence Day. After July Fourth, Wyatt started the Tiny Tots day camp for younger kids in the town of Bedford. After mornings at Tiny Tots, Wyatt gets a half hour swimming lesson at one of the town pools through the Little Dolphins program.

Below is a photo gallery of pictures from the past month.
Click on the thumbnails to see larger versions of the photos.