Wyatt is 58 Months Old

Wyatt is 58 months (four years and ten months) old. Wyatt had a nice month. Last month the main events were Thanksgiving dinner then preparations for Christmas. Wyatt also went to a couple of birthday parties and a Harlem Wizards game at the high school. Because the weather was unusually warm, Wyatt also spent time playing outside. Wyatt went to Manhattan to enjoy a city holiday, including visits to Grand Central Terminal, store windows, and Macy’s Santa Land with Nonna and Granddad. At Macy’s, Wyatt met Santa, which he did again at the Community House a couple of weeks later.

Also included in this month’s pictures are a few more pictures from Katonah Playcare.

Below is a photo gallery of pictures from the past month.
Click on the thumbnails to see larger versions of the photos.