Wyatt is 55 months (four years and seven months) old. Wyatt had an extremely busy month. He has been on the go for most of the past month, including the first two weeks of his last year of preschool. Wyatt is excited to be back at school and to be going every day, including two extended days per week. Other highlights of last month were a trip to Field Station: Dinosaurs in New Jersey, a trip to visit friends in Poughkeepsie, NY, several local play dates, two separate trips to Sag Harbor on the east end of Long Island, and a back to school picnic with Evan at Bedford Hills Elementary School. The second trip to Sag Harbor included the boys’ annual visit to Hank’s Pumpkintown in Watermill, NY. There were so many pictures last month that it was hard to choose which ones to include.
Below is a photo gallery of some pictures from the past month.
Click on the thumbnails to see larger versions of the photos.