Wyatt is 49 months (four years and one month) old. The highlight of last month was Wyatt’s birthday. On the day of his birthday, Wyatt and family were in Florida. Pictures of the vacation are in the previous post. Activities after returning from Florida including birthday cupcakes at Katonah Playcare, a small family birthday gathering, and one last ski trip to Mohawk Mountain in Connecticut. Wyatt started skiing on his own for the first time, without holding on to Mom or Dad. Wyatt also had a few play dates with friends last month.
Below is a photo gallery of pictures from the last month.
Click on the thumbnails to see larger versions of the photos.
Below is a photo gallery of pictures from Katonah Playcare from the last five or six weeks. Thanks to Miss Jessica and Miss Laura for sharing all these pictures.
Click on the thumbnails to see larger versions of the photos.