Evan turned 11 months old on Thanksgiving. He weighs 20 pounds 5 ounces and is 30 inches long. Evan’s travel schedule was not quite as heavy this month, but his social calendar was still very full. On Thanksgiving, Evan ate a whole meal of “adult” food, including turkey, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin soup. He enjoyed it very much.
Evan has been working on climbing the stairs, and now makes it look easy. He currently can only go up the stairs. He also keeps working on his scooting. His favorite new skill is putting things in and taking them out of various receptacles, including pails and trash cans. Mom and dad have had to stop putting trash in most of the trash cans around the house.
And Evan’s first birthday is now less than a month away. Check back here in a few weeks for news and pictures of the birthday boy.
Some pictures from this month are included in the attached gallery.
Click on the photo above to view the photo gallery.